Sunday, June 10, 2007

Products that hurt the Earth, but it's damn good!

Hello Space Invaders,

I have come to a point where I face a problem. The problem is really sad. The earth is hurting. I think it's because of companies like Clorox, Colgate-Palmolive, SC Johnson and Son.

Are they really hurting the environment? I can't get access to one of the companies ingredients for all of their products. Maybe it's to protect from other companies who want to steal from them?

I did a little research on SC Johnson and Son. They carry the best products around. Fantastik is number one. It cleans well, but I have to wear a mask when I use it because I can feel the product seeping into my lungs (just like how it feels when you've swallowed massive amounts of chlorine water in the swimming pool). It makes me sneeze too.

I really like their products. They are one of the first leading brand cleaning companies to have partnered with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Design for the Environment program in 2005.

To read more about SC Johnson's enviroment crusades and other philanthropic commitments, I give you the link to their website:
(They even have hard to find products section).

Ajax has one product that gets rid of the rustic bathtub stain even better than some of the SC Johnson's stuff. It's that powdered devil in a canister, AJAX powder cleanser with bleach. I know this stuff is bad for you but I assure you that it works. I only use it when a person's bathtub was never ever cleaned (move-outs). Colgate-Palmolive company are the giants behind Murphy's Oil, Suavitel fabric softner, and of course Colgate tooth paste and Palmolive dishwashing soap.

In Spanish, when we say bleach, we say "cloro". No, I'm not kidding. Their marketing is one of the best I've seen in a long time. There is a commercial with a little girl in the bathtub going under water and imagining herself as a mermaid. The girl then hears the beckoning of her mother's call to come out of the bathtub. You think it's a Walt Disney commercial, but it's Clorox bleach. It almost makes me want to buy their new line... almost.

Some environmentalist's say bleach is safe to use, some don't. But I use liquid bleach to mop linoleum floors (use a buffer to add shine). It's economic and the real true ingredient in the other cleaning products. To learn more about the #1 ingredient Rocket Maid uses to fight Alien dirt and Commander grime, go here:

You thought I would mention Comet because I'm Rocket Maid. In a perfect world that would be true but I have not tried the product yet. I'll let you know how that turns out.

I hope this helped all of you space invaders. I've got to re-fuel! see yaaa!

*** please note: Rocket Maid is in no way affiliated with any of these companies. She is really giving her opinion through personal experiences only. Rocket Maid receives no pocket change from these giants. Rocket Maid is still using a single man rocket ship.***